Welcome to our blog “Dance as a lifestyle”
DANsE Blog
Welcome to our blog. We are Erika and Michal. We will each contribute with our thoughts and at our own pace. Even if we have the same view of dance, each of us communicates it differently. That is the beauty of the difference between man and woman.
How could our blog be interesting to you?
Dance is part of us for the vast majority of our lives. We each collected our experiences separately, and now life and dance together give us even more meaning. Our "dance diary" will bring you a picture of who we are, how we think, what we live, how we teach, why dance is a lifestyle and why we have great respect for it.
It is possible to look at dance from different perspectives. Since we are dancing a couple dance, we will rely mainly on the couple dance of a man and a woman.
The dance of a man and a woman can be very free, spontaneous, without rules, with the absence of mutual communication and respect. Or it can be cultivated thanks to the fact that communication works in a couple (leading and following), both of them have mastered the basic principles of dance and show mutual respect.
Both options have their followers, everyone is happy with something different and that's okay.
We enjoy deepening our skills and experience in option number two and will write about it often and reflect on the topics that this dimension of dance brings. We enjoy learning and we enjoy educating others. For us, education means understanding what I do and, above all, understanding my body and my feelings. In life as well as in dance. That is why you often hear from us "Dance is life". What we create in dance, we create in life as well. Dance is a wonderful mirror of what we live and how we approach ourselves.
This is also what our blog will be about...